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고객은 Marsh가 고객의 성공과 번영을 위해 일한다는 믿음을 가지고 있습니다. 전문성과 통찰력, 풍부한 경험을 보유한 임원들이 다면적이고 글로벌화된 사업의 운영을 지원합니다.

Asia Leadership

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James Addington-Smith

President, Marsh Asia

David Jacob

David Jacob

CEO, Marsh McLennan Asia

Korean leadership

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HyungKoo (Hank) Lee

Chief Executive Officer, Marsh Korea, Inc.

Global leadership

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Martin South

President and CEO, Marsh - Vice Chair, Marsh McLennan Companies

Sarah DeWitt

Sarah DeWitt

Chief Financial Officer

John Donnelly Colour

John Donnelly

Global Head of Placement

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David L. Eslick

Chairman and CEO, Marsh McLennan Agency

Linda Foppiano

Linda Foppiano

Chief Human Resources Officer

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Jillian Lamaker

Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

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Flavio Piccolomini

CEO, Marsh McLennan International

Louis Piliego

Louis Piliego

Chief Operating Officer

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Hans Van Heukelum

Global Chief Commercial Officer for Marsh McLennan

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Mikhail Vanyo

Marsh General Counsel