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Mercer Marsh Benefits

2023년 직원이 원하는 건강 서비스

모두를 위한 복지. 직원과 기업의 성공을 위한 비결.

모두를 위한 복지  빠르게 변화하는 세상을 위한 복지 더 건강한 사회를 위한 복지

직원의 삶이 점점 더 복잡해지면서 많은 사람들이 이를 따라잡기 위해 고군분투하고 있습니다. 지난 몇 년간 겪은 신체적, 사회적, 정서적, 재정적 어려움은 전쟁과 환경적 재앙 그리고 생필품 이용에 영향을 미칠 정도의 인플레이션이 합쳐진 복합적힌 위기로 인해 한층 더 악화되었습니다. 

실제로 당사가 최근 발표한 2023년 직원이 원하는 건강 서비스 보고서에 따르면 아시아 지역 직원 중 44%가 일상 생활에서 스트레스를 받고 있고 경기 불황을 팬데믹 위기 후 가장 큰 걱정거리라고 답했으며, 직원들이 가장 중요하게 여기는 많은 복지 혜택이 재정과 관련된 것이었습니다.

고용주는 아시아 지역 직원들의 역량을 키우고 회사를 성장시키기 위해 이들의 니즈를 충족하는 방법을 재고해야 합니다. 이를 위해 현재 시행 중인 복지 제도와 사용하는 기술 및 핵심 리스크의 해결 방안의 적절성과 가치를 재평가해야 합니다. 회사를 구성하는 다양한 직원 집단의 우선순위 변화를 잘 이해하기 위해 당사는 5,200명이 넘는 아시아 지역 직원을 포함하여 다양한 국가, 부문, 직급에 속한 직원 17,000명을 대상으로 조사를 시행했습니다. 직원이 평가한 사내 복지의 가치에 대한 특별한 인사이트가 담긴 이 분석 보고서는 돌봄을 우선하는 접근의 힘을 잘 보여줍니다. 

Explore the industry trends

Dive into highlights of some of the top trends across 6 different industries. Consider the most helpful benefits for different industry groups of employees and how this may impact the benefits you provide. How do different employee groups view their employer and the support they perceive that they receive? How does this compare with other industries and against Global?

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Apps and devices to self-manage wellbeing


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Apps and devices to self-manage wellbeing

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

Free or subsidized food, transportation or housing

Help with adopting a more environmentally friendly lifestyle


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Apps and devices to self-manage wellbeing


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need 

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Genetic test that reveals health risks and suggests lifestyle changes and screenings


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need 

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Apps and devices to help self-manage health conditions


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need 

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Top 3 most helpful benefits

Preventive cancer screenings

An app to help find medical care when and where I need it, even in the middle of the night

Apps and devices to self-manage wellbeing


My employer cares about my health and wellbeing


My employer designs my job and work with wellbeing in mind


I am confident my employer would support me in an emergency or time of need 

* (Strongly Agree + Agree)

Benefits for all

Employers have the power to close healthcare gaps so that all employees thrive.

What employees value most: Three key benefits trends

Using meaningful benefits as an expression of company values is going to be more important as life becomes more complex, and supporting the widest possible range of employee needs makes a difference.

In the Health on Demand 2023 report, although 71% of employees in Asia think that their employers care for their health and well-being, only 64% say the benefits they receive meet their needs. 

Our findings revealed three key ways risk managers and HR can work closely together to enable your employees and your business to thrive.

selected option

Using benefits as an expression of company values and to mitigate people risk is going to be more important as life becomes more complex, chaotic and digital.

Responding to moments that matter, we are seeing employers taking a stand on societal issues such as diversity, inclusion and equity (DEI) and environmental sustainability, and building trust by helping employees transition to digital health future through their benefit strategies as they reset for relevance.

Advancing employee health is a critical component of the “Social” in the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework. For employers to be part of the solution, they need to address the physical, financial and emotional needs of their workforce.

Consider health equity issues and health risks in your workforce by focusing on the unwell, lower income and part-time workers within your employee populations, as well as mental health. 

Explore the Report

Get the Global report now

Get an in-depth look at the benefits that will help your employees and business thrive by downloading the full report.


A bite-sized overview of the key findings from this year’s research.

Benefits for all

Employers have the power to close healthcare gaps so that all employees thrive.

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