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Les contenus multimédias font l'objet d'une surveillance accrue de la part des parties prenantes, ce qui entraîne une augmentation des risques en matière de responsabilité et des poursuites judiciaires. En associant des analyses puissantes et des informations stratégiques sur le marché, nous pouvons aider les entreprises médiatiques à identifier et à gérer efficacement ces défis et d'autres défis liés aux risques.

Le secteur des médias comprend un large éventail d'entités et d'organisations, des chaînes de télévision et des organes de presse aux fournisseurs de contenu, en passant par les sociétés de streaming, les médias de jeux vidéo en ligne et les sites Web. Du fait de leur nature, ces entreprises peuvent vous exposer à des risques, que vous soyez impliqué en tant que propriétaire, distributeur, producteur, partenaire ou créateur de contenu associé. Ces risques peuvent aller de la responsabilité civile des médias et de la cybersécurité à la protection des journalistes, du personnel et des équipes couvrant les catastrophes naturelles, en passant par les troubles sociaux ou les événements politiques.   

L'équipe internationale de Marsh en charge de la gestion des risques liés aux médias est composée de spécialistes ayant une expérience de longue date dans le secteur et une expertise durement acquise pour aider les clients à évaluer, analyser et gérer les risques dans divers domaines des médias. Notre approche nous aide à collaborer avec vous pour développer un programme de gestion des risques adapté à vos besoins, comprenant des solutions d'assurance appropriées et une planification complète des priorités.

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Media organizations are particularly vulnerable to accusations of libel and slander, intellectual property infringement, and violations of programming regulations. There can be significant costs involved with retaining legal counsel and defending one’s organization (or oneself) against these claims, often well into the tens of millions.

To protect your interests, it is a good idea to consider investing in a broad media liability insurance policy, tailored specifically to the risks and needs of your organization and your contributors such as advertising agencies, producers, authors and publishers, broadcasters, bloggers, and social media influencers.

Media liability insurance is a type of errors and omissions (E&O) policy specially designed for media organizations. Unlike the E&O insurance seen in industries like banking and finance, media liability insurance specifically insures media outlets against claims of defamation, invasion of privacy, copyright infringement, plagiarism, intentional torts, and more.

This coverage is typically purchased by authors and publishers (including online bloggers and social media influencers), broadcasters, advertising agencies, and anyone else who creates or distributes media content. It can be tailored to insure media professionals for liability on a wide range of media platforms, which is especially helpful given the many ways information is disseminated today, from newspapers, television news shows, and podcasts to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter.

Depending on the business structure of your media organization, there are a number of other types of insurance that might be helpful. These can include property insurance, general liability coverage, umbrella and excess liability coverage, technology E&O, plans covering commuting and transportation risk (if employees are traveling for stories or events), commercial auto coverage, and workers’ compensation (where applicable). Multinational coverages may also be required for risks related to employees traveling out of the country for work.

Because the nature of media content creation can be quite variable and diverse, it is important to work with a trusted advisor such as Marsh to understand your risk exposures and create a plan for managing them.

Having access to experienced risk management advisors can help media firms protect themselves from unintended situations that may prove financially devastating or highly damaging to their reputation. Risk managers in the media sector should have strong, up-to-date industry knowledge as well as an established network of connections to reach out to on behalf of their business leaders, contributors, or clients.

Because media is evolving at a rapid pace, it is beneficial to have the input of advisors, such as Marsh, who are familiar with industry trends and can help identify previously unrecognized exposures as well as opportunities to manage risk more effectively. 

Marsh Morocco S.A. au capital de 1 500 000 DHS - Intermédiaire d'assurance régi par la Loi N°17-99 portant code des assurances. Autorisation du Ministère des Finances N° C1430CD2023138 du 21 février 2023