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John Q. Doyle

President and Chief Executive Officer of Marsh

John is Group President, Chief Operating Officer and Vice Chair of Marsh McLennan.  In this role, he works closely with Marsh McLennan President and CEO Dan Glaser to realize the enterprise’s overall strategic business and operational objectives.  Previously he was President and CEO of Marsh from 2017 to 2021.  He joined Marsh McLennan as President of Marsh in April 2016. Prior to that, he was most recently Chief Executive Officer of AIG’s commercial insurance businesses. John began his career at AIG in 1986 and held several senior executive positions, including President and Chief Executive Officer of AIG property and casualty in the U.S., President and Chief Executive Officer of National Union Fire Insurance Company, and President of American Home Assurance Company.

Marsh Morocco S.A. au capital de 1 500 000 DHS - Intermédiaire d'assurance régi par la Loi N°17-99 portant code des assurances. Autorisation du Ministère des Finances N° C1430CD2023138 du 21 février 2023