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Marsh Honored With 2019 Asia Captive Review Awards

达信在2019年度亚洲Captive Review评奖活动中荣膺“最佳自保公司顾问”和“最佳自保公司创新”两项大奖。一年一度的亚洲Captive Review评奖活动旨在对亚洲地区过去12个月中表现优于竞争对手且展现出最高专业水准的自保产品和服务供应商进行表彰。

As the "Captive Consultant" award recipient, Marsh was recognized for outstanding performance in captive consultancy services to captive owners and prospective owners. The category is judged on the strength of examples and case studies of effective consultancy work such as captive re-structuring, program design, feasibility studies, and efficiency drives.

The “Captive Innovation Award” recognizes new ideas, working practices, and products brought to the Asian captive insurance industry. Marsh Captive Solutions was recognized for its integration with JLT in Asia and its work to establish and manage the first insurance linked securities (ILS) vehicle in Asia.

This is the second year in a row Marsh Captive Solutions has received Asia Captive Review Award honors. In 2018, Marsh was recognized as the Captive Manager of the Year in the inaugural program.