In the example in Figure 1, the expected loss from earthquake and hurricane for the 250-year return period is approximately $134.7 million and $8.5 million, respectively. We typically focus on the aggregate exceedance probability (AEP) versus the occurrence exceedance probability (OEP).
The AEP is the probability that the associated loss level will be exceeded by the aggregated losses in any given year, and is used when the insurance program is written on an aggregate basis. The OEP is the probability that the associated loss level will be exceeded by any event in any given year. It is used when the insurance program is written on an occurrence basis, or when the loss associated with one event is important.
Insurance brokers use the modeling results to help design the program structure, as modeling can be performed on each individual layer as well as the overall program. This allows brokers to analyze various options, such as insureds self insuring layers that may be too costly or transferring risk to various insurers where they see value and efficiency in so doing.
Additionally, modeling allows brokers to look at annual average loss (AAL) figures, which are the minimum annual charge (premium) over an infinite time period that would need to be collected to fund for the expected loss: This is often referred to as the “technical premium.” Carriers often use a multiple of this figure to determine the actual annual premium charged. Accordingly, comparing a company’s AAL for earthquake and windstorm perils versus the actual premium paid can help clients determine how well priced (or not) their program is overall.
Modeling: A Best Practice
The rating agencies use modeling to assess catastrophe risk as a primary threat to an insurer’s solvency. They run the models on an insurer’s aggregate exposure, which, depending upon how exposed an insurer is, may impact its rating. As of September 2012, all US property carriers have implemented the new version of RMS 11, assuming they use RMS modeling, and their ratings reflect such.
Insurers use the models in a similar way to insureds, brokers, and rating agencies: to help them understand loss expectancy, AAL pricing, exposure to their capital base, and risk aggregations. RMS v11 has had the effect of significantly increasing aggregations and the amount of capital insurers need to have on hand.
RMS v11 has been considered to be the equivalent of a $25 billion to $35 billion capital event in the property market, which in turn has led to an increased cost of doing business in CAT-exposed areas as insurers need to maintain higher capital adequacy ratios as measured by the rating agencies. This has led to carriers raising more capital, raising premiums, reducing their portfolio accumulations in high CAT areas, and/or purchasing more reinsurance.
It is also important to mention that an insurer first models a risk on its individual characteristics, producing the table similar to Figure 1 above, to determine natural risk break points as well as probable maximum loss (PML) and AAL estimates. An insurer then runs the model of this new insured against its entire portfolio of risks to see how this new risk impacts its portfolio exposures and aggregations. As such, an insurer looking at a new risk with heavy wind exposures whose portfolio is already heavily wind exposed will likely charge a higher premium for that new risk as opposed to an insurer whose portfolio is not so wind exposed. This helps to explain why there can be such a difference between various insurers’ pricing for the same risk.
CAT Modeling Impacts on Program Pricing, Capacity, and Structure
Modeling is all about the data. Models are sophisticated, but depend on the information given to them. For example, differences in how buildings in a similar location are constructed may respond to the same event differently (e.g., a brick building may fare better in a windstorm than one made of wood). Models are capable of developing loss levels for a range of building types, ages, sizes, and occupancies.
Marsh is able to provide clients with two of the three most used models—RMS and AIR—which support a wide range of risk management applications.
Figure 2