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Risk in Context Podcast: Transactional risk insurance adapting to an evolving M&A market

In this episode our hosts discuss the changes taking place in the continuously evolving transactional risk markets, highlight some of the transactional trends in different regions, and consider how these trends could shape the future of the transactional risk insurance market.

Lightning thunderstorm flash over the night sky. Concept on topic weather, cataclysms (hurricane, Typhoon, tornado, storm)



Powered by Marsh FINPRO: Weather risks & capital access for low-carbon initiatives

This episode of Powered by Marsh FINPRO features climate risk, sustainability strategies, and the vital role of insurance in the energy transition.

A cracked glass globe with fractured continents, suggesting the fragility of global stability.



Risk in Context Podcast: Building business resilience in an evolving geopolitical risk landscape

In this episode our hosts explore the key findings of the Political Risk Report 2025, outline the political risks organizations should monitor, and share effective risk management strategies to navigate these challenges.

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Risk in Context Podcast: Unlocking captive potential through strategic optimization

In this episode our hosts discuss the growing interest in captives by organizations of different sizes and across industries, explore the benefits of captives, and talk about the importance of optimizing these vehicles to effectively address emerging and hard-to-insure risks.

Conference meeting



Risk in Context Podcast: Harnessing warranty program data to mitigate risks and enhance loyalty

In this episode of Risk in Context, our hosts discuss the multifaceted benefits of warranty programs, explore how they can foster customer loyalty, and speak about the importance of data in identifying potential risks and informing product improvements.

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Powered by Marsh FINPRO: Emissions, carbon offsets, and the path to net zero

This episode discusses the complexities of the sustainability ecosystem, the metrics behind carbon reduction and more.

The Global Risks Report

The top risks for 2024 and beyond. Data and insights from more than 1,400 global experts and leaders.