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Strategic Review

Marsh can conduct a strategic review of existing property insurance programs, and offer a second opinion to identify coverage enhancements and premium savings.

As part of our property insurance services, Marsh can conduct a strategic review of your existing property insurance program, and offer a second opinion to identify coverage enhancements and premium savings.

Marsh’s strategic review offers multiple business benefits, including:

  • Identifies optimal structure, terms, and rates.
  • Promotes program innovation and best practices.
  • Offers thought leadership from Marsh experts.
  • Demonstrates available resources and services.
  • Assesses and verifies your program’s competitiveness.

A team of experts

Based on your unique risk profile, we’ll hand-select your Marsh review team from a field of experts that may include:

  • Coverage experts.
  • Global placement specialists.
  • Industry practice leaders.
  • Property strategists.
  • Risk control consultants.
  • Risk financing analysts.

What the Review entails

Marsh’s strategic review process encompasses three discreet components:

The Risk

  • Values Stratification: Maps and “bands” reported values to aid in determining the program structure.
  • Natural Catastrophe Modeling: Models earthquake and windstorm loss probabilities.
  • Industry Benchmarking: Provides peer intelligence on limits, deductibles, rates, and services.
  • Risk Bearing Capacity: Analyzes your capacity to retain risk based on actuarial modeling.
  • Policy Audit: Discovers and addresses coverage gaps and limitations.

The Solution

  • Policy Limits Review: Sets the program capacity needed to achieve balance sheet protection.
  • Deductible Assessment: Examines loss history and market tendencies to avoid “dollar trading.”
  • Rate Analysis: Projects a competitive rate achievable in the current marketplace.
  • Structure Options: Provides potential advantages and disadvantages for multiple program alternatives.
  • Program Features: Highlights the benefits of various program nuances.
  • Potential Participants: Identifies carriers that will compete for your business.

The Result

  • Key Recommendations: Outlines ways to achieve savings and improve coverage.
  • Cost Projections: Forecasts the costs associated with our design solutions.
  • Timeline: Suggests schedule for implementation of recommendations.
  • Client Services Survey: Compares your current services with available broker services.

How it works

Completing your strategic review is generally a three-step process:

  • Operations Overview: We meet with you to gain deeper understanding of your business.
  • Exposure Information: You provide us with a statement of values, five-year gross loss history, copy of your current policies, and loss control reports.
  • Presentation Opportunity: Once we receive your exposure information, we report back to you within 30 days. We present our review and recommendations in a formal oral presentation.

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Our people

Michael Rouse

US Property Practice Leader