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Business Interruption Services

Marsh Advisory can help provide business interruption strategies that can be employed beyond a traditional risk transfer approach.

Business interruption is an exposure common to all businesses, regardless of type or size. Loss of critical functions caused by natural or man-made hazards such as terrorism, fires and explosions, earthquakes, windstorms, bomb threats, hazardous waste spills, workplace fatalities, and product tampering, among others, can impact your company's market share, profits, growth rate, shareholder value, sales volumes, and corporate reputation.

To limit loss of earnings due to business interruption, most companies obtain insurance coverage to compensate them for the inherent financial consequences. But traditional transactional insurance is not always enough to maintain shareholder value, prevent loss of market share, or protect against other adverse risks.

Marsh Advisory's Risk Consulting Solutions can help provide additional strategies that can be employed beyond a traditional risk transfer approach, including:

  • Business recovery planning.
  • IT recovery plan.
  • Operational reengineering.
  • Introduction of backup single suppliers.
  • Outsourcing of critical functions to spread the risk.
  • Adjustment of inventory control strategies.
  • Establishment of spare capacity/backup production capabilities.

Using its continuous risk improvement methodology, we diagnose and analyze the problem, determines root causes, designs and helps implement the solution, and measures results that will have the most positive impact on your organization.