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As part of their ongoing business operations, manufacturing companies must manage numerous environmental exposures to successfully compete in a global marketplace.

As part of their ongoing business operations, manufacturing companies must manage numerous environmental exposures to successfully compete in a global marketplace. These risks can include:

  • Regulatory exposures around the world, including changes in environmental laws requiring responses to pollution.
  • Supply chain risk.
  • Operational exposures that result in the discovery of existing pollution conditions or new conditions related to spills and releases.
  • Legacy exposures resulting from divestitures, acquisitions, plant closings, non-owned disposal sites, or company restructuring.
  • Cleanup projects that can absorb significant financial resources and often result in expensive cost overruns.

In addition, many closed plants or under-used properties represent opportunity for redevelopment as brownfields. Manufacturers should have a complete understanding of environmental risk and solutions to address the risks and opportunities within their business platform.

Marsh's environmental professionals have access to benchmarking and a range of risk management solutions to address these risks. We help ensure that our chemical clients get the best advice and information available — so they can make informed decisions about their environmental risk management strategy.

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