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Amid increasing complexity in global environmental regulations, the automotive industry must maximize profitability while ensuring environmental sustainability.

Amid increasing complexity in global environmental regulations, the automotive industry must maximize profitability while ensuring environmental sustainability. In doing so automotive companies must address multiple environmental risks, including:

  • Supply chain risk.
  • Operational exposures that result in the discovery of pollution conditions or new conditions related to spills and releases.
  • Legacy exposures resulting from divestitures, acquisitions, plant closings, non-owned disposal sites, or company restructuring.
  • Regulatory exposures around the world, including changes in environmental laws requiring responses to a pollution condition.
  • Cleanup projects that can absorb significant financial resources and often result in expensive cost overruns.

In addition, many closed plants or under-used properties represent opportunity for redevelopment as brownfields. Automotive companies and suppliers should have a complete understanding of environmental risk and solutions to address the risks and opportunities within their business platform.

Marsh's environmental professionals have access to benchmarking and a range of risk management solutions to address these risks. We help ensure that our automotive clients get the best advice and information available — so they can make informed decisions about their environmental risk management strategy.

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