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Cyber Loss Quantification

Identify and quantify how your business may be exposed to a cybersecurity event through Cyber Loss Quantification with Marsh cyber advisors.


Identify and validate major loss scenarios


Define financial impacts


Quantify potential losses and impacts

As cyberattacks and criminal ransom demands grow, businesses are likely to face further increases in the cost and obtaining insurance.

Many boards and executives are now asking “how much is our true exposure to potential cyber losses?”, “how do we know our investment in Cyber Security is proportional to our exposure?”, “how much investment is good enough?”.

What is Cyber Loss Quantification?

Cyber Loss Quantification from Marsh provides you with a detailed financial loss quantification based on realistic cyber events that your organisation may face. Through quantification, we deliver information and analysis relevant to improving your organisation’s cyber risk management program and cyber resilience.

Our team of cyber risk advisors, forensic claims consultants and analytics specialists will work in partnership with you to identify major loss scenarios, define the financial impacts and quantify potential losses.

A comprehensive data-driven view

By leveraging your data, proprietary Marsh forensic accounting cost models and loss analysis we simulate likely cyber loss scenarios to establish likely costs based on events of differing severity.

A detailed report containing analysis and insights that will help you understand the cost of cyber loss impacts on your organisation as well as guidance on where to focus organisational, financial resources and cyber risk gaps.

Informed decisions for your path to cyber resilience

Cyber Loss Quantification from Marsh helps organisations understand their exposure, and provide a baseline to prioritise strategic investments. It brings about an awareness beyond the technology function into risk, business and the boardroom, where informed decisions around cyber risk strategy and financing can be taken. It creates a level of awareness on cyber exposure across the organisation that is difficult to achieve otherwise, enabling preparedness in scenario response. 


Only 26% of organisations use financial measures for their cyber risk

In new research by Marsh and Microsoft we discovered many organisations lag in measuring cyber risk in financial terms, which hurts their ability to effectively communicate cyber threats across the enterprise.

Why Marsh

As experts in enterprise and cyber risk, we help you take an enterprise wide, scalable approach in building your cyber resilience. Together, we identify your risks, and develop a best-for-you program and team of partners to help manage it. Informing your approach and decision-making process with our 25 years of cyber expertise and data-driven insight. So that your path to cyber resilience is more productive and predictive; and your outcomes are more efficient and effective.

Our people

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Kelly Butler

Cyber Practice Leader, Marsh Specialty

  • United Kingdom

Nicholas Martin

Nicholas Martin

Head of Marsh Advisory, Pacific

  • Australia

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