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Claims Consultancy

Marsh Advisory's experts can assist you in risk identification, assessment, quantification, retention, management, and financing. Working as one global team with our brokerage colleagues, we can help you to develop enterprise-wide solutions, build resiliency, and achieve your short- and long-term objectives.

Organizations rely on our claim consulting professionals and proprietary claim consulting tools to assist in:

  • Quantifying losses.
  • Presenting accurate insurance claims.
  • Closing open claims.
  • Leveraging old insurance policies.
  • Managing claims programs and disputes.
  • Developing custom solutions.

With this support, you will be able to focus on day-to-day business, business recovery, and improving bottom-line performance.


From Incident to Resolution: Managing cyber claims successfully

Check out our webcast about cyber risk trends, cyber incident planning, and how Marsh can help with your cyber insurance program and cyber claims. It’s available on demand.