Supply chains are about more than the movement of goods. They impact the future availability of resources for technology revolutions, the energy transition, and basic human needs. So, how should risk professionals, supply chain managers, and business leaders be thinking about geopolitics, climate, sustainability, and other emerging risks in relation to increasingly lengthened and complex supply chains?
To explore the topic, Marsh hosted a LinkedIn Live event with several Marsh McLennan specialists. Amy Barnes, Managing Director, Marsh was joined by Jonathan Z. Lee, Partner in the Digital Practice at Oliver Wyman, John Davies, Commercial Director of Marsh McLennan Sentrisk, and Cathy Cyphus, Head of Risk Resilience and Technology, Marsh.
They shared insights on how organizations can leverage data, analytics, and AI innovatively in order to proactively manage current and emerging supply chain risks, optimize efficiency, and reduce costs. They also discussed the risks and opportunities of utilizing AI in supply chains, along with common challenges organizations can face when integrating data analytics and AI into their supply chain processes.