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Management of change

In the energy and power industry, many changes will occur on-site during the lifetime of a processing plant. These changes could relate to the physical hardware of the plant, control systems, business processes, a site’s ownership, or leadership and team changes.

Each one of these changes has the potential to increase the risks involved in operating the plant, for example, through inadequate:

  • Identification or evaluation of the risks of making the change.
  • Physical design or execution of the change.
  • Communication and documentation of the change.

All sites operating processing plant need a robust management of change (MOC) system to protect people and property, and maintain good process safety practices.

In most regions, change management of processing plants is also stated in guidance and expectations from government and statutory regulators. This includes, for example, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance within the UK, the Seveso II Directive in European law, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration in the US.

This position paper defines the key attributes of an effective MOC system in the oil, gas, and petrochemical industry. 


Management of change

In this report, Marsh risk engineers provide guidance, processes, and checklists to help energy and power site leaders develop and maintain an effective management of change system.

Risk engineering position papers

Marsh risk engineers have developed a suite of position papers that define best practices, and provide practical guidance for operational site leaders and teams in the energy power industry. Reports feature processes, checklists, case study examples, and technical information that will help to improve the operating procedures on site, and an organization’s overall risk profile.

Learn more about how Marsh’s risk engineers can support your organization.

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