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Global refining and petrochemical risk quality benchmarking

The refining and petrochemical industries play a vital role in powering economies and supporting industrial activities worldwide. As emerging trends and industry shifts — such as the adoption of advanced technologies, responses to the energy transition, and evolving regulatory frameworks — highlight the profound transition underway in the entire energy sector, the importance of robust risk management practices and innovations become ever the more relevant.

The Global refining and petrochemical risk quality benchmarking report provides valuable insights into the current state of risk practices across the globe, helping you identify vulnerabilities, implement effective strategies to enhance safety and operational integrity, and manage risks with confidence.

Use this report to:

  • Learn about emerging industry trends across multiple regions to adapt proactively to shifting market and regulatory demands.
  • Discover how to strengthen safety and operational integrity across your organization to enhance your risk quality and resilience.
  • Utilize actionable insights to inform your risk strategies and improve safety protocols.

The analysis contained in this report demonstrates how Marsh’s data-driven methodologies and advanced analytics, including recommendations and insights from Marsh databases, can enhance decision-making capabilities. By focusing on areas that improve safety and mitigate losses, Marsh can help stakeholders enhance endurance and operational integrity, while mitigating future risks.

Marsh’s global Energy & Power engineering analytics team lead our analytics and benchmarking efforts, supported by Marsh’s Data Solutions team. Representing all regions, this global team leverages proprietary tools and insights derived from engineering surveys, including risk rankings, recommendations, loss data, and estimated maximum loss exposures. These analytics enable stakeholders to manage risks with confidence, supported by actionable insights and strategic solutions.

As we present this inaugural global edition, we remain committed to fostering safer, more resilient operations for a rapidly evolving energy landscape.

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