By Vanessa Sheppard ,
Head of Construction Professional Lines, Marsh Pacific
08/25/2022 · 6 minute read
Construction projects continue to face challenges as insurance market conditions force contractors and design professionals to explore risk-financing alternatives. Project-specific professional indemnity (PSPI) insurance, a typical contractual insurance requirement for large, multi-billion-dollar infrastructure projects, has become more difficult to obtain due to shifts in contractual risk and large design and engineering losses over the past few years.
In recent years, several of the largest insurers — representing significant market capacity — exited the PSPI line of business. To help address the need for additional capacity, Marsh collaborated with carriers and clients to develop an innovative solution that uses captive insurers to provide risk-financing options for large projects.
Traditionally, an owner’s or developer’s contractual requirements included purchasing annual insurance policies, typically procured by a contractor or a designer.
For large projects that require significant insurance limits, considerations with this approach include:
To solve these problems, insurers began offering PSPI insurance, which provides standalone coverage to a project and is not impacted by annual policy nuances. PSPI policies provide dedicated coverage for claims arising from a specified construction project during the design and build phases and extending beyond delivery — up to 10 years in some regions. A PSPI policy provides consistent levels of coverage for all project participants with responsibility for professional services rendered in connection with the construction process.
By purchasing a PSPI policy, a project owner, design professional, or contractor can achieve coverage certainty for the entire lifecycle of the construction project and for years afterward, depending on policy specifics. The cost of coverage also is clear from the inception of the project through completion and beyond.
Design-bid-build is a traditional form of project delivery in which project owners issue separate contracts for the design and construction of a project.
Design-build is an alternative form of project delivery in which a project owner assigns both the design and construction to a proponent under one contract.
There has been a shift in the delivery of large, multibillion-dollar projects from a more traditional design-bid-build structure to design-build, or other alternatives. Although potential advantages to design-build include greater collaboration between designers and contractors and shorter project delivery timelines, they have challenges due to certain unknowns.
The contractor typically bids these jobs as guaranteed maximum price, meaning they are unable to recoup errors in estimates. They are also usually bidding when the design work is not yet complete — often only about 30% finished — which can increase costs when final design is done. These unknowns have played a part in higher claims frequency and severity, making PSPI insurance unprofitable for some insurers and prompting some to cease offering it.
Finding sufficient PSPI capacity has become increasingly difficult in some regions, despite the entrance of new insurers. For example, maximum capacity in the US market historically has been about $100 million, depending on project specifics. Today, it can be a challenge to secure $50 million capacity in the US market. As a result, global insurance markets and alternative risk financing solutions may need to be considered for large infrastructure projects.
Large contractors and project owners have long used captive insurers as a mechanism to fund self-insured retentions and make insurance costs more predictable.
As commercial insurance capacity tightened and rates increased, more construction companies turned to captives as a risk financing solution. For some, self-funding liability risks through captives presents an opportunity to achieve savings and certainty, despite the capital required to meet regulatory requirements.
In response to a lack of commercial market capacity, captives are often created by large groups of companies, or industry or trade groups as a mutual. They can assist large contractors and project owners in several ways, including:
Marsh successfully introduced and placed a PSPI hybrid solution using the concept of PCCs for a large infrastructure project in the Pacific region.
Four tier 1 contractors formed an unincorporated joint venture to deliver one of the region’s largest infrastructure tunnelling projects.
The lack of PSPI capacity meant it was not possible to secure the required limit of coverage through traditional insurance, a situation that was compounded by the lag between the tender phase for the project and the start of the work. As a result, a decision was made to pursue a captive insurance solution.
Following legal, accounting, and insurance advice, it was determined that a degree of risk transfer was required. The final structure included a combination of capacity from both the PCC and insurers to provide a PSPI limit that satisfied both contractual and regulatory requirements.
For more information about how a captive solution could cover your construction project’s professional indemnity risks, contact your Marsh representative.