Earthquakes can put people's lives at risk and cause significant damage to homes, properties, and businesses. The unpredictable nature of these disasters, coupled with the potential for aftershocks, landslides, and tsunamis, makes recovery and relief efforts even more challenging.
To minimise the impact of earthquakes, it is crucial to take proactive measures. This includes having a well-practiced resilience and crisis management plan in place, as well as insurance coverage for emergency repairs, building upgrades, and other restoration efforts.
Here you will find information, guidance, and insights about how you can prepare, respond, recover, and remain resilient in the event of an earthquake. By taking these steps before and after an earthquake, you can help protect yourself and others from harm, and ensure that your recovery and reconstruction are as effective as possible.
- Preparing for an earthquake
- After an earthquake
Although it is impossible to predict precisely where and when an earthquake will occur, putting clear, actionable plans in place before an earthquake occurs can help reduce damage to people and property — and enable your business to respond and recover as quickly as possible. These proactive measures can help you ensure the safety of your workforce, mitigate the extent of the damage, and limit business interruption losses.
Resource: Download our checklist on preparing for an earthquake.
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