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Risk in Context Podcast: COP26’s key takeaways and what they mean for businesses

This episode of Marsh’s Risk in Context podcast features Victor’s Yvonne Castillo and Amy Barnes from Marsh on key takeaways from COP26 and their implications for organizations and risk management.

Leaders from governments around the world, as well as the private sector, gathered last month at COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference, to discuss continued actions that are needed to mitigate the effects of climate change.

This episode of Marsh’s Risk in Context podcast features Victor’s Yvonne Castillo and Amy Barnes from Marsh on key takeaways from COP26 and their implications for organizations and risk management.

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Key takeaways

Some developments during COP26 are reason for optimism about collective efforts to stem climate change’s effects.

Many countries made ambitious commitments to limit temperature increases in the coming years, and there were signs that the public and private sectors will work more closely together going forward.

A key area of focus for regulators globally in the future will be on constructing better and more climate-resilient buildings.

Energy standards for existing buildings will need to be reexamined, and some structures will need to be retrofit. And as the built environment doubles over the next half-century, new buildings will need to be cost- and energy-efficient.

Governments attending COP26 sent a clear signal to businesses that they must take climate change and climate resilience seriously.

Scenario planning, risk anticipation, and other advanced techniques will be critical to withstanding increasingly severe weather events and other disruptions from climate change.

About our speakers

Amy Barnes

Amy Barnes

Head of Climate & Sustainability Strategy

  • Global

Amy Barnes heads Marsh’s climate and sustainability strategy. Prior to this she held a number of leadership roles with Marsh’s global energy, power, and renewables business. She has a respected depth and breadth of experience assisting some of the largest and most complex companies manage risks.

Yvonne Castillo

Yvonne Castillo

Director of Risk Management, Victor US

  • United States

Yvonne Castillo is the Director of Risk Management for Victor, where she manages a team of risk managers who support insured firms in managing professional liability risks in the US. She has 27 years of experience as an attorney, and has worked directly in the design and construction industry for almost two decades.