The economic landscape and market realities have been evolving at a faster, and more volatile rate and the post-pandemic world has illustrated how global, regional and local environments can shift and change almost instantaneously. While tools, strategies and methods to prepare us for such rapid changes have improved significantly, ambiguity continues to characterize the state of our world affairs.
We, at Marsh McLennan, believe that at the core of such a socio-political and economic environment is an upside potential to effectively manage risks and pro-actively seize opportunities.
In between the myriad of challenges and opportunities are the intersections of Risk, Strategy and People, it is in these intersections where businesses can thrive and drive the marketplace of the future.
Through a half-day forum, we facilitate the discourse on how business leaders can pivot and capture opportunities in the post-pandemic marketplace. A well-curated line up of CEOs, specialists, and public figures will speak at this event.