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Trade Credit

Supporting business growth

As organizations face the challenges and uncertainties of international trade, it is crucial to understand the value of trade credit insurance and its role in mitigating risks.

Trade credit insurance plays a vital role in protecting businesses against the risks associated with trade transactions. In the current climate, where global credit default trends are closely monitored, trade credit insurance can provide a valuable safety net. It helps businesses manage the potential impact of non-payment or insolvency of their customers, ensuring that they can continue to operate and grow confidently.

As businesses expand their global reach and engage in more complex trade transactions, the need for comprehensive coverage becomes increasingly important. Accordingly, Marsh has seen monthly capacity demand grow by 23% in the first six months of 2024, based on proprietary data. Insurers have responded to this demand by increasing their capacity, ensuring that businesses have access to the necessary coverage to protect their trade receivables.

In the first half of 2024 Credit Insurers have also increased their acceptance rate of insureds’ credit limit requests by 5 percentage points from 73% to 78%. This means that businesses are better able to safeguard their trade receivables against a wider range of risks. 

Despite uncertainty surrounding the economic outlook, trade credit insurance rates have continued to soften. This means that businesses can obtain coverage at competitive prices, making trade credit insurance good value relative to historic levels. By leveraging trade credit insurance, organizations can protect their cash flow, enhance their credit management practices, and navigate the challenges of the current trade landscape.

Trade credit insurance remains a valuable tool for businesses operating in today's complex global trade environment. It provides financial protection, enhances risk management strategies, and enables organizations to seize growth opportunities. By partnering with experienced trade credit insurers, businesses can effectively manage their credit risks and ensure the continuity of their operations.

Trade Credit

International and domestic trade continue to pose business challenges, which have been heightened by the COVID-19 pandemic. As the risk of insolvency and default is ever-present, trade credit insurance can assist companies in navigating these critical business exposures by providing protection and enabling trade.

Our people

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Ewan Berkemeier

Head of Trade Credit, Pacific

  • Australia

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