Q4 2023
India, Middle East, and Africa (IMEA) pricing: Financial and professional lines rates decline
Insurance rates in the fourth quarter of 2023 increased 4% in the IMEA region, where rates for large and complex organisations are often driven or influenced by the reinsurance market.
India, Middle East, and Africa (IMEA) fourth quarter 2023
IMEA property rates increase
Property insurance rates increased 6%, compared to 4% in the prior quarter.
- Rate increases were influenced by higher reinsurance and capital costs in catastrophe (CAT) exposed portfolios, capacity demand, and continued loss activity, especially in Saudi Arabia, India, and Africa.
- Insurers scrutinised terms and conditions including CAT aggregates and deductibles, limitations around contingent business interruption (CBI) extensions, cyber, terrorism, and strikes, riot, civil commotion (SRCC).
- Global insurers’ interest in the Middle East declined; however, regional insurers and reinsurers fostered competition.
Casualty insurers increase competition
Casualty insurance rates increased 1% after being flat in the prior quarter.
- New capacity in the region, especially from reinsurers, fostered competition.
- Insurers remained cautious regarding loss-impacted and heavily exposed risks, with increased information requirements and internal referrals.
- Long-term agreements (LTAs) were available, typically of two years duration.
Financial and professional rates decline
Financial and professional lines rates declined 4%, the same as in the prior quarter.
- Directors and officers (D&O) liability rates varied by country — flat in India, declines of between 15% and 20%, on average in the Middle East; and ranging from flat to 10% increases in South Africa.
- Financial institutions (FIs) in the Middle East generally saw rates decrease by 5% to 10%; rates in South Africa and India were stable.
- Professional indemnity cover across the region were stable in terms of capacity, with rates decreasing slightly.
- Underwriters continued to pay more attention to clients’ environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risk profile.
Cyber insurance rates decrease; claims activity declines
Cyber insurance rates decreased 6%, compared to a 1% increase in the prior quarter.
- Rate decreases were influenced by low claims activity, a decrease in the frequency and severity of ransomware claims, and new capacity entering the market in both excess and primary layers.
- In the Middle East, increased capacity and new entrants, increased competition, and more aggressive pricing.
- In India and Africa, the market was more challenging due to the claims environment, cautious insurer appetite, and/or a lack of local capacity.