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Guide: How inflation impacts insurance

Your one-stop guide to understanding the importance of accurately declared values and business interruption reviews

Updated 24th October 2023

Widespread global volatility is impacting supply chains, labour costs and inflation, creating a perfect storm impacting asset and business interruption declared values across all industries.

In Australia, inflation grew at its fastest pace in 20 years between 2020 and 2022, reaching 7.8%. However, according to data published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) on 26 July 2023, the annual inflation rate has since decreased to 7.0% in Q1 2023 and 6.0% in Q2 2023, indicating a trend towards easing. 

Accurate declared values have become a focal point for insurers, driven by concerns about declared values adequately capturing market movements as well as loss experiences in cases where loss amounts were well above reported values.

How inflation impacts insurance is your one-stop resource to understanding the importance of accurate valuation of assets and business interruption reviews. You’ll be provided with insights into the current inflationary landscape, its impact on insurance and steps you can take to bolster your risk management program. Get your copy now.

What you’ll learn:

1. The impact of inflation on declared asset values

Learn why valuations have become a major underwriting focus for insurers and the common mistakes to avoid when declaring them.

2. The many attributes that affect asset value
Find out about the many attributes that affect asset values and why no broad singular index can be applied.

3. The impact of volatility and uncertainty on business interruption values

Gain a deeper understanding of how Business Interruption is calculated and why insurers are demanding accuracy.

4. Factors influencing the calculation of accurate business interruption declared values

Discover the key aspects that go into making a forward-looking BI calculation.

5. How you can respond

Use our checklist to consider how you can undertake a robust approach to bolstering your risk management program in this inflationary environment.

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