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Mobility in a post-pandemic world: Mobility services, autonomous commercialization and last-mile delivery

COVID-19 is reshaping mobility patterns and the sharing economy around the world. This report explores these trends and discusses how risks are evolving for mobility companies.
light traffic highway at night

COVID-19 is reshaping mobility patterns and the sharing economy around the world. Some of these shifts may be momentary, but will inspire future action. Many other developments, however, are likely to become permanent fixtures of daily life as we embrace the “new normal” of a post-pandemic society and economy.

The first wave of mobility startups were born on the heels of a financial crisis, and at the start of a smartphone boom. Now, with smartphone penetration up from 20% to 73% per capita in the US, and from 18% to a projected 83% by 2025 in Europe, the tailwinds have only gotten stronger.

The next wave of successful mobility and sharing economy startups will be born from the current COVID-19 health crisis. They are likely already operating.

These companies will not look at risk and insurance as a “top three cost,” as many do today — but as an opportunity to build trust and gain competitive advantage. By understanding global trends and managing downside risks, clear winners will emerge who will define how we move, share, and trust in the years to come.

Marsh’s new paper Mobility in a post-pandemic world: From evolution to revolution explores these trends and discusses how risks are evolving for mobility companies. Complete the form on this page to download your copy.

These companies will not look at risk and insurance as a “top three cost,” as many do today — but as an opportunity to build trust and gain competitive advantage. By understanding global trends and managing downside risks, clear winners will emerge who will define how we move, share, and trust in the years to come.

Marsh’s new paper Mobility in a post-pandemic world: From evolution to revolution explores these trends and discusses how risks are evolving for mobility services, autonomous commercialization, and last-mile delivery. Complete the form on this page to download your copy.