Ciara Donnelly
Managing Principal, Workforce Strategies, Marsh Advisory, Pacific
Updated 5 December 2024 (Originally published 30 November 2023)
At a glance:
The independent review on national Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws conducted by Marie Boland on behalf of Safe Work Australia in 2018 proposed several key recommendations, one of which was the inclusion of the offence of industrial manslaughter[1]. Since the review, industrial manslaughter has been increasingly under the spotlight in the ongoing discussion and advancement of WHS laws throughout Australia.
As at the end of 2024, industrial manslaughter is now a recognised offence across all Australian states and territories with a maximum penalty of imprisonment for individuals.
Despite legislative progress in recent years, the number of workplace fatalities in Australia have remained relatively static over the last five years. In 2022 alone, 195 Australian employees tragically lost their lives at their place of work[2]. In addition to laws and regulations, systematic change and proactive risk management within businesses and organisations are critical to the success of elevating the overall standards for workplace safety and reducing serious injury and fatality risks. Organisations need to proactively review and implement the necessary changes/improvements to their safety systems to ensure a safe work environment is provided and maintained. The consequences of not doing so can be severe.
A good place for companies to start is having a sound understanding of industrial manslaughter laws in the various jurisdictions you operate in and how they may impact your business. Let’s take a closer look at each state and territory.
These laws serve as a call to all organisations to thoroughly assess their safety systems and governance structure, ensuring that directors and officers possess effective oversight of business operations and prioritise safety management.
Regardless of these laws, the impact of a workplace fatality or serious injury is profound. It not only results in a tragic loss of life but also affects the individual's family and friends, other employees, the reputation and functioning of the business, and the local community. While proactively implementing effective safety systems may incur expenses, the cost of an inadequate or non-existent safety system can be far greater.
All businesses and organisations need to have a robust risk management system in place that mitigates risk, identifies hazards, encourages reporting and responds in crisis situations. It needs to be a system that is functional, practical, understood and used by all levels of management and staff.
Safety systems and protocols should be periodically reviewed, audited, and tested to ensure they meet the latest industry standards. Sound WHS practices and consistent supervision should form the foundations of a safe work environment, which helps to mitigate workplace fatality risks.
Additionally, incorporating WHS on board agendas helps to encourage regular discussions and focus by senior management on the critical topic of health and safety.
Recent case law related to industrial manslaughter shows that the size, industry or complexity of an organisation do not play a role in judgements. We have witnessed trials play out in the public eye and severe penalties being imposed to both the individual and/or the company across businesses of all sizes, ranging from sole traders to large organisations. Most companies that experienced a workplace fatality also faced significant disruption to their business operations from the impacts of a trial or prosecution, cost of penalties and reputational damage.
Below are some examples of industrial manslaughter cases in Australia that have resulted in significant fines and/or imprisonment.
When it comes to industrial manslaughter laws and their potential implications on insurance, it is a general principle that insurance is not available where the loss is uninsurable at law (whether the policy provides such a term or not). This would include any policy that may appear to indemnify a person or entity against criminal liability if the crime is one which can only be or is in fact committed with both guilty intent and guilty act. Any insurance contract purporting to insure against such risks would be void and unenforceable. This is for reasons of public policy on the basis that a person or entity should not benefit from their own wrongdoing and, by extension, may not be indemnified against the consequences of that wrongdoing.
The insurance position is less clear where the crime is one of strict liability and the conduct of the offender is morally innocent. By and large, commentators in the insurance and legal industry prefer the view that insurance can cover such risk. This may depend on whether there is an element of fault attributable to the person or entity who has committed the strict liability offence.
Notwithstanding the above, insurance for legal and defence costs are typically still permitted under policies that provide this cover.
Although an employer can potentially obtain insurance for their legal defence costs, they are unlikely to be able to obtain indemnity for the significant fines associated with an industrial manslaughter conviction. Ultimately, to avoid imprisonment and/or heavy fines which may be uninsurable at law, it is crucial that employers implement comprehensive safety systems and comply with the relevant WHS laws applicable for their respective jurisdictions.
For a more detailed analysis of WHS legislations and their implications on specific classes of insurance, please refer to our previous publications Victoria insights paper and NSW and WA insights paper.
To learn more about how industrial manslaughter laws may impact your business and your insurances, or if you need assistance with reviewing, testing, designing or implementing effective safety systems throughout your business, please contact your Marsh representative.
Managing Principal, Workforce Strategies, Marsh Advisory, Pacific
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