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Global Program Workbook: Taking proactive multinational risk management into the digital age

Marsh Multinational have pioneered the Global Program Workbook (GPW) to efficiently guide multinational organizations on global insurance program design and fit.

Managing the ever-changing face of global risk is daunting and perhaps the most complex task for risk managers of multinational firms. Each country’s regulations are unique, and tax and regulatory compliance can put pressure on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) evaluations. Marsh Multinational have pioneered the Global Program Workbook (GPW) to efficiently guide multinational organizations on global insurance program design and fit.

The GPW aligns insurance regulation, tax, and insurance restrictions with a multinational’s global risk footprint and current insurance program structure. It enables Marsh to walk clients through each risk area to customize and evaluate insurance programs for suitability. It is available to multinational clients across all industries, from Fortune 500 firms to emerging multinational organizations.

Using scalable technology to help assess program fitness for purpose and highlighting opportunities for improvement, in line with the dynamic environment in which our clients operate. The GPW complements and informs program design strategy for placement of the insurance program(s), and is the newest feature included in Marsh’s Global Connect platform.

Put simply, through its efficient and digitized process, the GPW can free up valuable time and resource for risk managers and Marsh advisors to analyse the results, identify program gaps, and maximize potential premium savings.

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