By Kelly Butler ,
Cyber Practice Leader, Marsh Specialty
23/08/2022 · 2 minute read
Over the years, Marsh has helped countless organisations craft ransomware incident response plans and tailor cyber coverage to help them prepare for the unexpected. In this guide, we share our insights to help your organisation avoid response paralysis and recover quickly from an attack.
The value of preparing in advance for the possibility of a ransomware attack cannot be overstated. Here, we explore numerous considerations, from identifying your options to developing internal policies and guidance to understanding regulatory implications and potential sanctions.
This is where your planning will pay off. We provide insight into key areas during the incident, such as minimising your exposure and working with your carrier, along with the all-important question of whether to —and how to—pay the ransom.
The work doesn’t end after a ransomware attack is resolved. We provide specific guidance around recovery, including identifying additional weaknesses to strengthening your plan for the future.
For more information about Cyber Risk and how Marsh can support your business, please contact your Marsh representative.
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