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How your business can run an optimised insurance program on Marsh Affinity’s digital platform

Discover how your business can grow by enhancing revenue and customer experience with an insurance program powered by Marsh’s Affinity digital platform.

Businesses seeking growth opportunities understand that offering insurance and protection programs can help them diversify their revenue stream and strengthen their customer’s experience and loyalty. However, sourcing for the appropriate insurance program can prove to be challenging.

In this video, discover the benefits of operating an insurance program designed by Marsh and delivered via Marsh Affinity’s digital insurance platform:

  • Enables a seamless user journey from insurance placement to quotation, registration, policy binding, and claims reporting/processing.
  • Provides powerful, real-time data and analytics (e.g. aggregated claims and loss ratio) for informed, data-driven business decision-making
  • Facilitates easy tracking of the program’s performance on the centralised platform.

Powered by Marsh’s proprietary Bluestream technology, Marsh Affinity’s digital insurance platform is highly flexible; it can be fully-integrated into your business’s existing digital ecosystem or delivered as a turnkey online interface if time-to-market is essential. 

By partnering with Marsh Asia Affinity, your business will receive dedicated support from our highly-experienced insurance placement experts and digitally-enabled claims process. Our advisors with market-leading experience in Asia are also on hand to help clients analyse data and interpret insights for program optimisation.

I want to boost my revenue stream!

To learn how Marsh Asia Affinity’s insurance program and digital insurance platform can be tailored to your company and help diversify your revenue stream, fill in the form to schedule a free demo.