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Weather and Natural Catastrophes

Wildfire Resource Center

If your organization is affected by a wildfire, we can help you manage business interruptions, prepare insurance claims, and support employees.

Wildfires have increased in frequency and severity as a result of climate change, prolonged droughts, and extreme storm events. Each year, they cause billions of dollars, burning through acres of property and natural wildlife, disrupting and endangering day-to-day life for homeowners and businesses, while putting many first responders at great risk.

Taking proactive measures is crucial to minimizing the impact of wildfires on your organization. This includes having a well-practiced resilience and crisis management plan in place, as well as insurance coverage for emergency repairs, building upgrades, and other restoration efforts. Here, you will find information on how you can prepare, respond, recover, and remain resilient.

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Knowing the steps you will need to take in advance of a wildfire provides clarity even in the face of uncertainty, which can help ensure the safety of your workforce, mitigate the extent of the damage, and limit business interruption.

You should prepare beforehand through a combination of assessing wildfire risk and potential damage, preparing a claims process plan, ensuring coverage, and establishing both safety and response procedures.

Resource: Download our wildfire preparedness checklist

Businesses in known wildfire-prone areas should be prepared to take quick and careful action to safeguard their properties through robust emergency response, evacuation, and business continuity plans and strategies. Some key steps include:

  • Monitor instructions and guidance from local authorities, fire departments, and emergency management agencies.
  • Activate your emergency response plan.
  • Maintain effective communication with employees, customers, emergency services, and more.
  • Provide clear instructions on evacuation procedures, safety measures, and any changes to work schedules or locations.
  • Secure the business premises, such as closing windows and doors, shutting off utilities if instructed, and removing any flammable materials from the vicinity.

Resource: Download our checklist on preparing for an imminent wildfire

Companies should approach returning to work with safety procedures in place and with a mind towards reporting their insurance claims. Some examples of a safety-first mindset include:

  • Accounting for all employees
  • Identifying immediate hazards and notifying authorities if necessary
  • Using technology such as drones to access damaged areas first

As part of recovery efforts, businesses should be prepared to file a claim under applicable insurance coverages. They should have a plan in place, with key stakeholders aware of their responsibilities.

Resource: Download our checklist on getting back to work safely and managing claims after a wildfire

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