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Clinical Trials Podcast Series – Episode 2

The second episode of Marsh’s Clinical Trials Podcast Series discusses decentralised and adaptive trials, the increasing use of technology, and how these impact the risks and insurance.

The subject of clinical trials, and their insurance is key for the life sciences sectors, as the testing and approval of treatments is a vital stage in the process of those treatments getting to the people that need them.

In the second episode of our Clinical Trials Podcast Series, Chemical and Life Sciences Leader, Jenny Yu, hosts a discussion with Joe Shaw from Marsh’s Clinical Trials Centre of Excellence and Ben Ward from Newline Insurance, to discuss the subject of decentralised and adaptive trials, the increasing use of technology, and how these impact the risks and insurance. 

Apple Podcast Spotify Podcast

About our speakers

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Jenny Yu

Chemical and Life Sciences Industry Practice Leader

  • United Kingdom

Photo of Joe Shaw

Joe Shaw

Clinical Trials Broker

Bend Ward from Newline Insurance

Ben Ward

Underwriter, Newline Insurance