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Rise of the refurb: Coverage for existing structures during construction works

Refurbishment guidance note 2025 – understand the coverage for existing structures during construction works and extensions.

The UK inner city construction boom – especially in London – has resulted in owners and developers looking to repurpose existing buildings as well as constructing brand new developments.

This is also supporting owners’ and developers’ ambitions to move towards their net zero targets.

Incorporating existing buildings into a construction project will raise questions on how best to arrange property damage and third party liability insurance cover.

To help find your way through the minefield that this creates, find out in our new guidance note, Refurbishment guidance 2025.

Key topics include:

  • Challenges related to coverage.
  • How an OCIP (owner controlled insurance programme) structure can provide cover during the construction works for many elements of the project, including the existing structure, the contract works, and delay in start up.
  • Alternative ways of insuring the existing structure, using the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT).

Refurbishment/extension projects can appear challenging when considering insurance cover. Early engagement with your construction insurance broker will help to properly consider the options available.

Rise Of The Refurb

Refurbishment Guidance Note 2025

Read our guidance note for further details, and please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.