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Rosemary Abang

Operations Project Manager | Lagos

  • Job Title:  Operations Project Manager
  • Department: Operations
  • Office Location: Lagos, Nigeria
  • Joined Marsh:  1 April 2022
  • Hometown: Cross River State
  • Education: BEng Computer Engineering & MSc International Business and Management
  • Personal Interests and Hobbies: Solving problems with technology, discovering and tinkering with technology gadgets, cyber security, reading, digital art, watching Japanese anime, learning Japanese, gaming

Meet Rosemary

How has your education or previous work experience translated to working at Marsh?

My current role at Marsh is multi-faceted and requires a generalist skill set.  I need to understand and be good at a number of different things – operations, admin, IT to name just a few. I sometimes refer to myself as a Specialist Generalist (a Jack-Of-All-Trades) which I am gradually discovering is not necessarily a bad thing. My education background plus the the different roles I have taken on till now helped me hone this generalist skill set which has helped me immensely in my current role.

How does Marsh support you in giving back to your communities?

The Marsh Cares platform provides us with a number of opportunities (virtual and in-person) where we can give back. I have not been able to take part in any in-person events however  I recently signed up for a Mapathon which was great fun but also a great opportunity to contribute.

Tell us something important about your family or background that helped form the person and colleague you are today.

My mother is the one of those people that  can do anything she puts her mind to. She is a fantastic problem solver and doesn’t shy away from “the doing” . Growing up this had a huge impact on me – I learnt that  I can solve problems and that a woman can change a light bulb, can put together and take apart a stereo system, can jumpstart a car, etc. (and this was all before YouTube tutorial videos! )

What is the most meaningful advice you’ve received?

That is a tough one as I have received a lot of great advice. However one of my favourite quotes  (which I regularly read to myself) goes like this “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it ---- the time will pass anyway” (Earl Nightingale). I take this advice to heart and it has helped me achieve some critical goals that I would have otherwise put off.

Celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month

Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. At Marsh, we believe that inclusion, diversity, and belonging are core to our purpose of protecting and promoting possibility.