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Johanna Booysen

Senior Administrative Coordinator | South Africa

  • Job Title: Senior Administrative Coordinator
  • Department:  Africa Regional Offices
  • Office Location: Sandton
  • Joined Marsh: 1 February 1985
  • Hometown: Alberton
  • Education: Matric
  • Personal Interests and Hobbies:  Reading, Camping, Hiking, Walking, Parkrun Walk

Meet Johanna

I am an integral part in keeping the Africa Region running smoothly.  I support Guy Royston, the Managing Director as well as Steven Skolnic and the Real Estate Team.

How has your education or previous work experience translated to working at Marsh? 

Alexander Forbes Risks Services provided excellent employee training and development and I gained most of my experience during my years in their employ.   It provided the foundations for my current role and boosted my confidence in my capabilities.

How does Marsh support you in giving back to your communities?

Marsh has been phenomenal in supporting colleagues in giving back to our communities.  In doing so, Marsh again gives money back to assist more organisations or worthy causes.  Through Marsh Cares, we receive regular communication about where we can get involved in Global Volunteer activities.  Marsh also encourages their staff to assist the needy in their communities and allows us to track our hours and donations on our Social Media Platform.  I value that Marsh uses this information to support others in need.

I also assisted in raising funds for the Mapethla Children’s Home in Soweto – colleagues washed cars, sold vetkoek with mince as well as raffles in order to buy Christmas gifts for all the children and school uniforms were bought for the Grade 1 pupils.

I am passionate about the Nelson Mandela Rise Against Hunger Meal Packing charity drive and participate in this event annually.  The 67 minutes we spend packing meals is an uplifting experience.  These meals are going to vulnerable children at Early Childhood Development Centres.   I also encourage my whole team to join me to make a difference together, as it also brings us closer as a Unit.

Tell us something important about your family or background that helped form the person and colleague you are today.

I grew up in a large household of six children.  We were extremely privileged to have both our parents with us, and although we were considered poor by most, we never went to bed hungry.  We wore "hand-me-down" clothes but always had sufficient.  We grew up in a Christian household and a street which the children used as a playground.  We were loved, healthy and happy.  Only as an adult does one realise just how significant these privileges are. 

From a very young age, we learned that the more we give, the more we receive – that there is tremendous joy in giving.  Seeing the need of others and understanding how we can make a difference through small acts of kindness were inbred in us.  My Mom was the driving force behind this.

My Dad taught us about hard work and the value of completing what we started.  He taught us about priorities like paying our dues, not making debt that cannot be repaid and only spending money on ourselves when there is extra cash.

I have experienced many hardships but have always been surrounded by loving people who supported me, and I would like to think that I do the same for my colleagues, friends and family.

What is the most meaningful advice you’ve received?

During the 28 years working at Marsh, I have received quite a bit of meaningful advice

  • Be honest - honesty is an essential part of communication because it helps develop trust
  • Always be kind, never be rude - it costs nothing
  • Learn what your teammates like (and dislike)
  • Communicate in person
  • Work harder – it's contagious and will encourage others to follow suit
  • Be honest about your capacity.  Learn to say, at this time, I am unable to assist
  • Be clear about your availability.  In other words, I cannot make it today but I am available for an hour tomorrow
  • Learn to listen. Giving advice is much more effective when you understand how to listen
  • Use empathy
  • Maintain a neutral standpoint - never take sides
  • Encourage employees.

Celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month

Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. At Marsh, we believe that inclusion, diversity, and belonging are core to our purpose of protecting and promoting possibility.