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Farah Haikal

Marsh Employee Health & Benefits Leader | Qatar

"I am fortunate that equality and inclusion are a key part of the agenda for organisations worldwide, and Marsh has certainly paid heed to the fact that different employees have different needs."

Experiences throughout my career have taught me there is no such thing as a ‘one size fits all’ approach to work: as our needs change, so does the way we approach our career.

For example, as a newcomer to the industry, aged just 22, I was determined to work hard and put in extra hours – even over weekends. Obviously, this posed a challenge to my work/life balance; however, there were rewards: I was able to learn a great deal from my experienced colleagues,. I found enormous joy in my accomplishments, and this satisfaction was a huge incentive to work even harder.

This ethos was still in place when I joined Marsh 13 years ago. At that time, I was unmarried and my career was very much my priority. My efforts to advance and further my development paid off: within two years, I was promoted to lead the Employee Health & Benefits team.

My circumstances have changed considerably since then. I am now the mother of three children, ranging in age from seven to three years old, so I am no longer able to work the hours I once did.

With these changes, my priorities have evolved, too. I am fortunate that equality and inclusion are a key part of the agenda for organisations worldwide, and Marsh has certainly paid heed to the fact that different employees have different needs. The organisation has offered support in many forms, from flexible working hours to the choice to work from home when my children are ill. Importantly, this support has been granted without the organisation making specific mention of my status as a mother. As a result, I don’t feel that I am being singled out for special treatment because of my gender; it is merely Marsh’s approach to upholding the values of equality and inclusion.

The initiatives and policies implemented by Marsh have helped me approach my work/life balance differently. I am also grateful for the support I have received from both my parents and my husband.

I feel that it is important for young women to keep an eye on that work/life balance. I always say that although you need to work hard, you also have to enjoy life. It’s easier to do this when you work for a company that recognizes and appreciates your hard work, and rewards you with opportunities for growth and learning.

I believe that there are different ways to measure success: your job and title do not change who you are as a person. Stay-at-home mothers can be just as successful as working mothers – sometimes even more so. True success comes from setting your own dreams and goals, and working consistently towards them.

This philosophy is encapsulated by one of my favourite quotes: “To move freely, you must be deeply rooted.” For me, it is a constant reminder to stay true to my principles, beliefs and ethics – regardless of the external pressures I may encounter.