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Alison Bamford

Mercer Marsh Benefits Country Leader | New Zealand

  • Job Title: Mercer Marsh Benefits Country Leader
  • Business: Marsh
  • Office Location: Auckland
  • Interests: Paddle boarding, cycling, hiking

Meet Alison

What is your role at Marsh? 

I lead Marsh’s People Risk business Mercer Marsh Benefits, which focuses on managing the impact of ill health & injury on the workforce. We cover the full spectrum of people risk services, from NZ Provides health & wellbeing services, Wellnz’s injury case management, to Alpha’s vocational rehabilitation services, and employee health and benefits insurance services.  

Who is your inspiration?

Kate Sheppard is someone I had never heard of until I move to NZ. What an inspiring women! She was one of the founders of the women’s rights movement in the late 1800’s. In 1893, Kate and her fellow suffragists gathered support and petitioned the NZ Government for “women’s right to vote”. They pointed out that by being excluded from the right to vote, women had been classed with juveniles, lunatics and criminals.

They were successful, and the Electoral Act 1893 was passed, making New Zealand the first country in the world to give all women the right to vote. The news quickly spread and inspired suffrage movements all over the world.

“All that separates, whether of race, class, creed, or sex, is inhuman, and must be overcome.” Kate Sheppard

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?

I had an excellent business mentor leading up to becoming pregnant with my child and I always remember this advice. If you want a career and a family that’s OK – don’t feel guilty about it – it’s your personal choice to make. You just need to make sure you put the necessary support systems in place to support that choice. You can’t do it all without help. As my family is overseas this really resonated with me. I had to have help, and Pre-COVID, I was fortunate to be able to hire Au pairs to provide that additional support.  

What is the most important message you want to send out to young women thinking about their careers?

The workplace is changing for the better, there is so much more opportunity and flexibility as organisations realise they need to improve their employee experience to meet the unique needs of their individual workforce.

My message? Carefully choose an organisation or career that aligns with your goals, passion and purpose, then just go for it!  

How do you bring your "whole self to work?"

For me, it’s about engaging with the team and talking openly about all elements of who I am so they feel comfortable about doing the same. Sharing my latest projects, interests, family activities, but also the challenges I face and the struggles to balance it all.

Celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month

Join us in celebrating International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. At Marsh, we believe that inclusion, diversity, and belonging are core to our purpose of protecting and promoting possibility.