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Risk in Context Podcast: Trade Credit's Role in the Economic Recovery

This episode of Marsh’s Risk in Context podcast features Marsh’s Ian Watts and Özlem Özüner of Euler Hermes, who discuss how trade credit insurance can enable growth as the global economy recovers from COVID-19.

Country economic risk is growing across all regions, driven by increases in deficit spending, adding to sovereign and commercial credit risks in less developed economies.

This episode of Marsh’s Risk in Context podcast features Ian Watts, UK and Ireland Trade Credit Practice Leader at Marsh, and Özlem Özüner, Director of Market Management and Commercial Underwriting and Distribution at Euler Hermes UK and Ireland, who discuss the effects of COVID-19 on credit risks and how trade credit insurance can help companies grow as the recovery from the pandemic continues.

Key Takeaways:

  • Credit insurers’ models are built to expect periodic downturns — not sudden halts in economic activity as seen amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Insolvencies could become more common in specific industries if state support schemes lapse in the coming months.
  • As the economy continues to recover, credit insurance can provide valuable protection that can enable growth and expansion into new markets.

About our Speakers

Ian Watts is Marsh’s UK and Ireland Trade Credit Practice Leader. He has more than 30 years of credit insurance experience, as both a broker and underwriter in the UK and South Africa. He joined Marsh in 2005 from Euler Hermes.

Özlem Özüner is the Commercial Director at Euler Hermes UK and Ireland. She joined Euler Hermes in 2011 as CEO for Turkey. She previously held a number of roles in the banking and finance industry, including leadership roles at HSBC in both the UK and Turkey.

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Our Speakers

Ian Watts

UK Practice Leader, Trade Credit, Marsh Specialty UK

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Özlem Özüner

UK and Ireland Commercial Director at Euler Hermes

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