Craig Schioppo
Global Head, Transactional Risk
United States
Transactional risk claims reached new heights in 2023, both in number and in terms of aggregate claim payments. At the same time, the profile of claims under representations and warranties (R&W) policies, also known as warranty and indemnity (W&I) in certain regions, is evolving as the product matures.
The changing profile and size of R&W claims is bringing new uncertainties to the transactional risk insurance market. Yet, while demand for transactional risk insurance and prolific underwriting continues, the full impact of those claims may not be realised for a few years.
The Global Transactional Risk Insurance Claims Report 2024 uses Marsh’s comprehensive set of claims data to review trends over the course of 2023 and shed light on the ongoing evolution of the claims landscape, the effect of the macroeconomic and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) environment on claims, and the impact of claims outcomes on placement of transactional risk insurance. We also examine how greater numbers of claims and lower retentions, coupled with broader coverage, might impact the claim process and, accordingly, how claims handling should evolve and become more innovative to meet client needs.
The total amount paid by insurers to Marsh clients under transactional risk policies since 2018 surpassed US$1 billion net of retention, with over US$300 million received in 2023 alone. Other findings from our clients include:
The volume of claims on Marsh’s placed policies increased significantly in North America in 2023, with 252 claims reported on 144 transactions, compared to 186 claims on 121 transactions in 2022. The surge in claims was not surprising considering the significant increase in the number of policies placed by Marsh’s transactional risk team in 2021. While a surge might have been expected earlier, the rise in claims volume in 2023 aligns with the trend of extended timing between deal closings and claim notifications.
The EMEA region saw a 9% drop in claim notification levels in 2023, compared to the previous year. While 2022 represented a record year for notifications, claim notifications in 2023 were nevertheless as high as the previous peak in 2019, and far surpassed levels for 2020 and 2021. While Continental Europe saw notifications evenly distributed throughout the year, more than half of notifications in the UK were made in the first quarter of 2023, followed by a slowdown in the second half of the year, in line with the general slowing of M&A activity.
Transactional risk claims activity trends in 2023 closely mirrored those of previous years. We continued to observe a clear correlation between the transactions conducted in the region and a gradual increase in the number of reported claims throughout the year. We have also seen a number of payments on Pacific deals in 2023, with approximately US$10 million being paid on W&I claims in the sub-region last year. These factors show that the transactional risk market in the region is stabilising, which is also reflected through more sophisticated clients who understand the importance of claims in two ways.
Marsh Pty Ltd (ABN 86 004 651 512, AFSL 238983)(“Marsh”) arrange the insurance and is not the insurer.
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Global Head, Transactional Risk
United States
Head of Transactional Risk Claims, UK
United Kingdom
Chief Client Officer, PEMA, Pacific
Head of Transactional Risk Claims, Continental Europe
Lead, Claims Solutions (FINPRO)
Head of Transactional Risk Claims, North America
United States